After your new tree or shrub has been planted, it needs your continued care to establish its root system in its new environment. We recommend watering daily for 1-2 weeks after planting. 3-12 weeks after planting, water at a slightly decreased frequency of every 2-3 days. 12 weeks after planting, water weekly. Watering is especially important during hot weather.
Water quantity is important. A good general rule is to give the tree 1-1.5 gallons of water per inch of diameter in each watering session. Sprinklers and lawn irrigation heads are not good sources of water for trees because much of the water they disperse is evaporated or taken up by grass roots before it reaches tree roots. A hose turned down to a slow trickle is a perfect watering tool.
If stakes were used to stabilize your tree, remove them after one growing season. Left on too long, straps from stakes can damage trees by constricting them as they grow. Additionally, trees need to sway naturally in the wind to develop strong wood, and being staked prevents this movement.
Protect your young tree’s delicate bark from winter animal browsing by putting trunk wrap or a corrugated plastic tube around the trunk. Be sure to take these off during the growing season to prevent development of excessive moisture and decay in the bark, and to give the tree space to grow in diameter.
Morgan’s Tree Service is here to help you give your newly planted trees the best chance to thrive. If you have any questions, please reach out (make this a link to contact page??) to our team of arborists and we will be happy to assist you!