Princeton Sentry™ Gingko
(Gingko biloba ‘Princeton Sentry’)
The Princeton Sentry™ Gingko has an upright, conical growth habit, making it a good choice for smaller sites. Its fan-shaped leaves turn a striking gold color in the fall. Gingkos are tolerant of a wide variety of soil types and grow well in an urban environment. They form excellent structure and are unlikely to need extensive pruning, especially when young.
Hardiness: Zones 3-8
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Mature Height: 35-45’
Mature Spread: 25’
Soil Type: Prefers moist, well-drained, sandy soil; tolerates dry and wet soil
Soil pH: Tolerates alkaline and acidic soils
Fruit: Nurseries deliberately only sell male trees as female trees produce abundant fruit that has a noxious odor when crushed